Friday, October 26, 2012

Story for Kids: The Pirates and the Best Treasure

1)                   Present the magic box and explain that it's magic because it chooses a different story each time. 
2)                   Open the box and take out the pictures related to the story to present some vocabulary: pirate, ship, treasure, gold & diamonds, spades, treasure island.
3)                   Take envelop with the story (it has the name of the story). Nota: podemos quemar los bordes del papel. 
4)                   Start telling the story

The Pirates and the Best Treasure

Once upon a time, there was an invisible ship. Some BAD pirates lived in the ship. The pirates travelled around the world, to find treasures, secret treasures.

The pirates and the ship were invisible

[5) Show picture of the invisible ship [Here we first show the blank side of the page].  We ask questions such as "Can you see the ship?"

You could only see the ship if you were a pirate!

6) Martín find the box labelled "Pirate kit" (it contains eye-patches). We put on the eye-patches and we, looking at the "invisible" ship say that we can see it and then give out the eye-patches for the kids. Meanwhile, one of us secretly exchanges the picture of the invisible ship with the one actually containing the ship).

One day, the pirates said goodbye to their families and friends, and they sailed to find a very special secret treasure. It was a very big treasure, it had a lot of gold and diamonds.

The pirates had a map.

7) We take out the map and show it to them! (We're surprised and happy about the map)

They traveled many many days, and weeks, and months, and years, and they forgot about their families and friends. The only important thing in the world was to find the treasure. Sometimes the pirates got angry and fought with each other. In the end, they found the treasure island. They were so happy!!

They followed the instructions

8) Here we make all the kids stand up and, on their spot, act as if they followed the instructions (act as if they were walking somewhere, sit down, stand up, etc). 


- Walk 5 steps to the right.
- Walk 3 steps to the left.
- Sit down!
- Stand up!
- Go back two steps!
-Take a spade

After some hours, they hit something hard and there was a noise: clank!!!

“We found it!” Shouted a pirate He was so excited he couldn’t stop jumping.

Together, the pirates took out a big chest. 

9) We take out the chest out of the magic box.

We open it.
We invite a few kids to look at the contents of the chest and ask: Is there money?! Is there gold?! Are there diamonds?! Is there a dog!? Is there a cat!?

After looking surprised we say: It's a letter!

"There isn't any gold here, but there's a more important treasure: there's a lesson! The most beautiful  treasure is at home: the most important thing is your family and friends!"

The pirates learned that people are more important than all the money in the world.


10) We take out another envelop from the magic box. It says GAME. (The game aims at checking comprehension)

True / false activity:
1)                   Pirates can see the ship. (True)
2)                   The pirates were GOOD people. (False)
3)                   The pirates loved treasures and gold. (True)
4)                   The pirates had a map. (True)
5)                   The secret treasure had a lot of gold and diamonds. (False)
6)                   The most important thing in the world is gold. (False)

11) After the activity, we find a suprise in the magic box (It contains candy for the students). The surpise says "Happy Friends' Day!"

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